using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Twenty seven centuries ago, an upper-level demon known to few as Klarius"<< endl;
cout << "stumbled on a fallen angel, raped her and left her for dead. She survived and"<< endl;
cout << "was pregnant. Ten years later, she gave birth to an omen. A creature with"<< endl;
cout << " the might of heaven and hell and a powerful thirst for the souls of men." << endl;
cout << "His name was called.....'Naftali'.\n";
int Powers(100);
string identity;
identity = "\nName: Naftali Warren\n";
cout << identity << endl;
cout << "\nPowers: " << Powers << endl;//Naftali's overall game health
profile = souls.begin();
souls.push_back("1. James Craddock");
souls.push_back("2. Rebecca Romain");
souls.push_back("3. Michelle Rooney");
souls.push_back("4. Sally Gavin");
souls.push_back("5. Ezeikel DePrain");
souls.push_back("6. Phil Senton");
souls.push_back("7. Ryan Gates");
souls.push_back("8. Elizabeth Wank");
cout << "\nYou currently possess " << souls.size() << " souls.\n";
cout << "\nSouls possessed:\n" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < souls.size(); ++i)
cout << souls[i] << endl;
string change, activity;
string answer;
cout << "\nPick an activity\n";
cin >> activity;
int transform = 0;
(activity == "change")
{cout << "Enter a number to assume the identity of a soul\n";
cin >> answer;
if (answer == "1")
identity = souls[0];//Reassign 'Naftali's' identity to one of vectors shown
if (answer == "2")
identity = souls[1];
if (answer == "3")
identity = souls[2];
if (answer == "4")
identity = souls[3];
if (answer == "5")
identity = souls[4];
if (answer == "6")
identity = souls[5];
if (answer == "7")
identity = souls[6];
if (answer == "8")
identity = souls[7];
while (answer != "1"&& answer !="2"&&answer !="3"&&answer !="4"&&answer !="5"&&
answer !="6"&&answer !="7"&&answer !="8")
{cout << "Sorry, incorrect entry. Please try again" << endl;
cin >> answer;}
cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << endl;
cout << "You have now transformed into soul number " << identity << endl;
Powers -= 15;
cout << "\nThis is your transformation number " << transform << endl;
cout << "\nPower level: " << Powers << endl;
cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << endl;
cout << "\nPick an activity\n";
cin >> activity;
if (Powers <= 0 && activity == "change")
cout << "Your power levels are too low to make any more transformations" << endl;
cout << "Pick an activity" << endl;
while (activity == "meditate")
if (Powers < 100)
Powers += 10;
cout << "You have spawned back 10 points of your powers and now have " << Powers << " points" << endl;
cout << "Pick an activity" << endl;
cin >> activity;
if (Powers >= 100)
cout << "Your power levels are at their fullest and cannot be spawned any further" << endl;
cout << "Pick an activity" << endl;
cin >> activity;
return 0;
Game Summary: Its basically about a half-angel, half-demon with the power of heaven and hell who can devour souls and assume their identities and talents. He can also heal from just about any injury and has all other kinds of cool abilities. I'm just working out what obstacles he has to overcome.
About a bajillion bugs are in this code, but debugging it is what is teaching me new things and reminding me all that I've learned so far so I don't forget. And next time, I think I'll stick to a plan. This code keeps evolving and developing a mind of it's own.